It's Just Sex - A New Breed Of Women

Stereotypically men are perceived as sexual predators with the ability and desire to have sex indiscriminately. However this convention of emotional detachment towards sex is more and more applicable to women, and this trend isn't the boon to freestyle poon that most men might think. While it may at first appear the 'All You Can Hump Buffet' sign has been turned on, a shift in social conforms of this kind is bound to dramatically change sexual dynamics.
Historically women have been notorious for placing high emotional value on sex and as such the fastest way into a woman's panties was through her heart. This sex-is-love perception has always been a source of control over women by men. If you remove the emotional element unscrupulous men lose a great deal of leverage in the sex game.Without sway over the her heart your average 'player' is left to stand only on the quality of their sexual performance. This leaves a lot of guys holding a roll of nickels in a room full of dollar slot machines.
This also means that, where before women tended stray when her emotional needs couldn't be met, now she's just as likely to step out based on her sexual urges alone. Guys have always fantasized about a non-committal woman that can enjoy sex and move on. I don't think however most men are ready for the reality. Being so easily replaced on a physical urge, waking up finding that she snuck out in the middle of the night, having their calls avoided. This is going to take some getting used to. Especially for a gender whose pride is so easily bruised.
But the loss of emotional advantage isn't the only shift in the game. No longer are women content to sit at the bar waiting to be approached. They're going hunting for a man that meets their sexual criteria. Essentially you could see it as the line between predator and prey blurring with men dropping a notch on the food chain. The worse part of it is that this shift has gone nearly unnoticed. Most men still think they're the ones doing the hunting because women are THAT good at it.
It however won't be a secret forever. Eventually guys are gonna get bored with easy game and women are going to tire of playing down their power. With too many predators in the woods territorial conflict is inevitable.
So now the questions. Is this a social evolution the result of women trying to conform to what men have said they wanted—in essence a careful what you wish for scenario? Or has the tendency always been there hiding and only now is it socially acceptable to act on? Is this perhaps a precursory shift back to a matriarchal society where women hold the reins and men are subservient? If so, what kind of social issues will come out of it? Will men aggressively reinforce their dominance over women, or roll over for a belly rub? Is it possible to reach a balance of sexual power?
For now, Happy Hunting.